Yesterday Mr 16 and I took a drive to the Blue Mountains to pick up a second hand desk we bought. It was a great opportunity for him to do some driving hours and for me to enjoy the scenery! We had a lovely lunch at Leura, but it seemed like there were a million other people with the same idea. We did a bit of window shopping, but as a collector of rabbits, I just could not leave this little fellow behind.....he's only 3" tall.

On a quilty note, I went to Post Office Patchwork in search of a huge quantity of background fabric for my next big project, Irish Circles. I don't usually buy much yardage so 6 metres of one fabric is a big deal for me (and why I was trying to be cheap with the backing for my hexagon star!). I chose this beautiful cream from the American Banner Rose range. It has a lovely warmth of colour, and subtle markings.....less obvious than tea stain, but not as flat as plain cream. The red fabric is for the main centre ring, and the rest will come from my stash.
It came down to a choice between Irish Circles and Camelot by Trish Harper, and whilst I'm starting with Irish Circles, I might come back to Camelot yet.
I thought you might also be interested in this tub I bought at the Reject Shop last week, perfect for fat quarters. The dividers are removable too.
I'm off to sew a few stitches. Hope you're having a good day.
Susan x