Tuesday 31 July 2012

Anni's project bag

Family life has been getting a bit in the way of sewing lately. So I took myself off to a corner last night and worked on the project bag from The Simple Life - considering the mood I was in I probably should have chosen something a bit simpler, but here is the inside. I have finished the gorgeous bunny stitchery on the front, but I'll show you that when I finish the bag. And my second go at partridge in a pear tree for TTS.

Tonight, I have a funny little bit of mending to do for work........ these fellows have a couple of holes that need stitching up before the stuffing falls out.
I can't believe it's August tomorrow, the year is just flying by. Hope you're having a happy week, and finding a moment or two to yourself.

Susan x


  1. Hi Susan...I'm hoping to do that little bag too one day...it's gorgeous isn't it! Mmmm....looks like you might work at a pre school or somewhere like that!

  2. I was looking at the projects in that book today... I want to do them all!! love the fabrics you have chosen... nice mending.. much more interesting than trousers!!

  3. yep this year has flown by,love Anni's project,well done it looks great,and what such cute mending.xx

  4. You are always stitching beautiful and inspiring projects :o)

  5. The inside is looking great...can't wait to see the finished bag!
    Happy stitching :)

  6. This is looking good, love the pocket!!

  7. the sewing bag is off to a great start...

    no me time here....:-( just work and busy busy family.....

    going camping this weekend so should get some stitching time in

  8. I have one of these as well maybe I should pull it out...

  9. It looks great already! The mending looks like fun tooo..what cute animals!

  10. Lovely fabrics in the project bag.

  11. Ooo love what you've been doing.


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