Sunday 15 July 2012

Small Farm Field Days

The boys and I went to the small farm field days for a couple of hours yesterday, hubby was there all day buying his new tractor.
A highlight is always the animal nursery - do you ever get too old to enjoy the baby animals? I almost came away with a new rabbit and guinea pig, but managed to escape. How cute is this Miniature Mediterranean donkey foal?

And these Alpacas.

The only thing I bought was this cute toiletry set for my niece. Made by Love Libby they are plastic covered inside and out, and it was fun to buy them from the lady who makes them. Sam will be turning 12 when she is actually in Paris on holidays (lucky girl).

Take care.
Susan x


  1. Baby animals are always so sweet ... lovely set you found for your niece...

  2. I would have had to bring that baby donkey home! so cute.
    lovely toiletry bags and so appropriate for your niece.

  3. that donkey is so very cute and gorgeous bags,Sam will love them.xx

  4. My children and I have just been ooing and aahhing over that gorgeous little donkey! Your TTS quilt is looking beautiful in the previous post.

  5. Lucky Sam seeing Paris at such a young age. Such a beautiful place.
    Now that my kids are adults I don't visit animal nurseries anymore. Maybe some future grand children may take me there again.
    So sad to see the colour run in that lovely stitchery. Any success getting rid of the colour?

  6. How cute are these little animals...I used to love going to the Mudgee field days when we were at Peel! Neat looking cases Susan...I love Eiffel Tower stuff!

  7. The donkey foal sure is a cutey...and what a lovely set for your niece..

  8. The donkey foal sure is a cutey...and what a lovely set for your niece..

  9. Oh love that toiletry set... I've seen the fabric and almost bought it!!! I also am in LOVE with the little donkey... I would have tried to bring him home!!!! You are never too old for the animal nursery x

  10. How did I miss the animal nursery? I just want to hug that little donkey. I saw the pouches. They were super cute.


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